Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's a God thing

We were missing a few people in the group last night.  It's to be expected.  We all have a lot to juggle in our day-to-day lives and sometimes we drop something to keep the rest of our 'stuff' in the air.

This is only the second FP4H class I've led, but I'm pretty sure it's typical in any weight-loss class for some to drop out when the numbers on the scale aren't moving much.

The FP4H class is set apart from other weight-loss programs because the focus is on Christ — and keeping Him the center of our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical life. When we begin to acknowledge WHAT God expects of us and we DO it because we understand WHY it's so important, the journey to a happier and healthier life is made easier.

The journey is easier for another reason. We aren't alone.  When we attend the meetings we discover others, just like ourselves, with similar struggles and obstacles. And with similar victories.

After spending a few hours at home with the Bible study and God's Word each week, your heart is prepared to hear something that someone else is willing to share on class night.  Those words of encouragement or advice will resonate in your mind and in your heart and will give you the strength and self-control to make wise choices the coming week.

An email from Kim proves my point,  "Hi, the week is going well.  I'm finding that more than anything, this program is giving me will power.  My diets usually only last a few hours, until that first big temptation.  It's like before I felt like the only person who was disappointed was me, now I'm seeing that my disobedience dishonors God, and that's not what I aim to do. Thanks!"

Or when Becky shared last night that she was ready to give up on the class when the Bible verse this week about making a vow and sticking with it changed her mind and her heart.

Or when Barbara told us about the Zumba, she was planting the seeds of motivation for others to try it.

We aren't designed to be alone. We need God and we need each other to reach our goal.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Please Speak Well of Me

Ecclesiastes 5:5 "It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it."

A strong warning to remind me to think before I speak, to say what I mean and mean what I say.

The Weepies say it beautifully.

Please Speak Well of Me, The Weepies

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Measureable Goals

It was a great class last night and I especially enjoyed hearing all of the goals we've set for ourselves.  Going shopping for new clothes, feeling better, playing tennis, riding your bike again, were all great goals, on target and very doable.  I especially liked the plans to get new swimsuits and where you were going to wear them this summer.  You go girls!

I think Debi summed it up for us when she said, "When I lose weight I will Praise God!"

I just got a report on our Mr. Alan.  He was in  Florida working this week, but managed to run a 5k in 30 minutes.  Good job!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Encouraging words

Deuteronomy 30:11 Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach.

I've pondered this verse for two weeks now and decided to look at it in it's context.

God was telling His people that they needed to obey Him. If they did, life would be full and prosperous for them.  If they didn't, things weren't going to go well.

That verse is as relevant today as it was then.

When it comes to my weight and over-all health, if I continue to ignore the number on the scale I'm not being obedient to God and His plan for me. My health will suffer and my life will be limited and maybe even shortened.

It would be easy to get discouraged, except when I focus on the central theme of the verse.  Nothing God commands of me will be too difficult or beyond my reach.

Note: He didn't promise it wouldn't be difficult, He promised it wouldn't be too difficult; and He is telling me that I'll have to reach for what I want, it won't be handed to me.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Making the effort to just show up

My hour with the kids at the D.O.C.K. this a.m. was good, but I didn't feel like I contributed that much.  My hour in worship was o.k. too, but I didn't leave with a clear vision how I could apply the message I had just heard.  As I drove home I told God that I was feeling empty.

When I got home an email from my daughter, Jody was waiting for me, "Come to Elevation tonight for worship... the message is awesome..."

I immediately crafted a thanks but no thanks response.  I had a half-dozen good excuses for sending my regrets.

But I didn't press send.

Hadn't I just told God that I needed something to fire me up, inspire me, to guide me???  What's up with that.  He answers a prayer and I shrug it off because it would be easier to put on my p.j.s and watch t.v.?

It was settled. I was going to drive up to Elevation and hear the guest speaker from Australia's Hillsong Church, Christine Caine.

Her message was amazing and especially relevant to where I am in my life right now on so many levels.

I couldn't begin to do justice to the intense message she delivered.  But for starters, I need to embrace my space, stay where God has planted me. Even the most insignificant jobs are used to build the Church. I am being prepared for the next step.  My part in His plan is to show up and do the job that He's given me.

I'm so glad I made the choice to show up.  I was encouraged. I was blessed.

Now I'm ready for the p.j.'s...

Friday, January 14, 2011


Reading an article this a.m. about how scientists have decided that we have more of the ability to regulate our behavior than we think we do.  That our will-power is unlimited. Of course it is.

I have unlimited will-power when it comes to anchovies, liver pate and beets of any fashion.  Chocolate and cheesecake on the other hand, maybe not so much.

Last month I attended a Christmas program at First Baptist Church where chocolate cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory was served.

I had to restrain myself from licking the plate.  But my friend, Becky,  politely handed her plate across the table without hesitation. She said she didn't care much for cheesecake and chocolate doesn't do a thing for her.  Is she nuts???? (Visit the D.O.C.K. on Sunday mornings and decide for yourself.)

The scientific concept of regulating my behavior would require that I use my own inner strength. I'm pretty sure that's not going to work for me — at least it hasn't in past situations.

I need the power of the Holy Spirit to change my mind and my heart.  I need goals, long term and short term goals to keep me focused.  I need the accountability of being with other people who have similar goals. I need to sit next to Becky more often and maybe her good habits will rub off on me.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Welcome to Scaling Back!

The idea of a blog came to me this morning.  I spent most of my quiet time trying to come up with a clever title.  So much for that — it is what it is.

I'm constantly coming across a good devotional, a helpful tip or a new recipe that I want to share with everyone but I don't want to bomb bard you with emails and our class time is precious.  I know you're busy and I don't want to be a pest.  A blog might be the solution.  It's passive.  You can come to it when you want, and you can comment when you like.

It will also be an outlet to share some of my thoughts.

For instance you should know that I find it very humbling that I am leading a group on becoming a well balanced person.  I joke often that the only difference between you and me is that I'm one week ahead of you in the book.  But actually there are days that's not even true.  I'm struggling with the exact same issues that you face each day, finding time to complete my Bible study, filling out my Live-It Tracker, keeping up with my prayer journal, exercising, yada, yada, yada...

I've had the conversation with God that has gone something like this, "Dear God, are you SURE you want ME to lead this group?  There are so many others that are way-more qualified...shouldn't they at least be a size 10 to be a leader?"

But just when self-doubt starts to take over, something or someone comes along to remind me of God's Promise, "Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach."