Sunday, September 30, 2012

Where to next?

When I first started riding my bike, I didn't wander to far from home because I didn't trust my legs to get me back home.

For the past year it seems like each time I go out for a ride I venture a little further from home because I've built up my leg muscles and my confidence.

My ride today took me further than I've ever gone by myself. When I turned around at the 9 mile mark I had no doubt that I could bet back home without having to call for the Sag Wagon (Glenn and his Jeep).

While I was out on a wonderful country road with cotton fields surrounding me and hawks soaring above, I thought about my spiritual muscles. Each small step of faith prepares me for the next step. My confidence grows as I learn to trust God to take me where He wants me.

When I'm riding I encounter hills and other obstacles; I get tired and hot; I can get hurt, but the reward for my effort is paying off.

The same can be said about stepping out in faith and obeying God. I will encounter obstacles (though it's not likely I could get hurt while leading a First Place 4 Health Bible study); and I certainly get tired, but as I learn to trust God, I'll get stronger and go further and He'll be able to use me in ways I could never imagine possible.
No speed record, but 19.26 miles is my personal best for distance!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Nothing Butt Tough

This time last year I'd made the decision and investment to buy a road bike.

I was nervous about spending the money.  What if I bought it, rode it a few times and then it sat in the shed?  It would be one more thing I had wasted money on.  It would be one more thing sitting around, taking up space in the shed.  It would be one more reason my husband could say "I told you so." It would be one more thing I quit.

When I first got my bike I could only ride for 15-20 minutes.  I didn't have the legs, and it hurt my hiney - big time!

But I kept at it.  Each time I'd ride I could last a little longer, go a little further.

Before the weather turned cold and my attention was directed to Christmas cookies, I could ride for 40-45 minutes and I was putting some serious miles on my bike.

Spring time found me a little rusty and my butt had to toughen up again, but before long I was out and about, exploring new roads and feeling stronger and getting braver.

I've had set backs and road blocks and literally some huge hills I had to conquer that have discouraged me and in some cases even scared me.  But I didn't give up.

Today I just got back from a 17 mile ride in the country.  I went further from home than I'd ever been before.  Granted it took me two hours, but I keep reminding myself I couldn't sit on my bike for two hours this time last year.

I've proven to myself that if I don't give up I'll get better. Confident. Healthier. Stronger.

My journey to a healthier lifestyle is requiring the same perseverance.  It's taking time.  There are set backs and road blocks and even Christmas cookies that will slow me down, but I know that if I don't give up I'll get better. Confident. Healthier. Stronger.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


A few weeks ago I spent a long weekend at Hilton Head with my daughter, Jody and our bikes.  We explored just about every trail we could find, and then some.

One morning we took off on the sandy beach, heading east into the sun.  I was going faster than I had ever gone before.  I was practically flying. I felt like Superwoman!

After a few miles we turned around to head back to the motel.  What I didn't realize was it wasn't all ME that was making my bike fly over the beach.  I had been riding with the wind to my back.

Now, heading west, we were riding straight into the wind and I was beginning to doubt if my legs were going to get me back to the comfort of my beach chair and a Diet Coke.

Jody knew that I was struggling.  Duh, sweat was pouring off me and I was huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf.  She moved in front and instructed me to come up behind her and stay as close as I could to her back tire.

It was freaking me out to ride that close to her.  I didn't have the confidence in my skills to be that close to someone else.  Still... when I did as she told me, the drag of the wind diminished and my ride was taking less effort.

Today I was out for a solo ride and about 10 miles from home I was riding along a country road feeling really good about myself. I wasn't having to work hard at holding my speed to about 13 mph (my average is around 9) and my legs felt really strong, until I turned around to head home and discovered I'd been riding with the wind to my back--again!

As I slowly made my way home I got to thinking about my relationship with God.

Most of the time when things are going right and I'm accomplishing great things I'm quick to take all the credit for my hard work and perseverance and not realizing/remembering that God has my back the whole time and He is the one that makes all things possible.

I fail to give God the credit (glory) for what He accomplishes in my life.

And when I hit the head winds in life (and there are always going to be head winds) I need to remember that I can draft behind Jesus every time.  I just need to have the confidence to move in close to Him and let Him lead the way.

When you draft with a fellow biker you've got to keep your eyes on them to avoid disaster.  The same is true of Jesus.  Keeping focused on Him will help me avoid disaster and although I still have to put effort in the journey, He makes it a whole lot easier!

I'm sure there's a good analogy about going up the hills.  I'll be thinking about that the next time I'm faced with one.

Pinckney Island, July 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

If it were only that simple

The second night of the new fall class and it was already half the size we started with... and I'm not referring to the numbers on the scales.  Two class members knew they would be out and gave me a heads up about missing.  I get that. We have busy lives.

Two class members were out because of illness.  Again, I get that.

But three class members were missing in action with no explanation.

According to the 'grapevine' two of the three who dropped were disappointed in the class.  It wasn't what they were expecting.  They wanted someone to TELL them what to do and then they would do it and they would magically lose weight. Problem solved.

If it were only that simple.  I wish I had some magical solution to obesity.  I don't.  However, with this program I do have practical solutions that will help all of us achieve balance in our physical, emotion, mental and spiritual health.

The problem of course is that in order to benefit from the practical solutions you have to have a head and heart ready to RECEIVE them so you can APPLY them.  You have to have to be willing to PERSEVERE when things don't go as you hoped they would.

First Place 4 Health isn't for everyone. I know that.  It's hard. I know that. It takes time. I know that.

I don't need someone telling me what I need to do to lose weight.  I already know that too.

I just need the support, accountability and encouragement from the ladies in the Wednesday night circle. I need the help and comfort of God to keep me focused and motivated.  I need to press on!

What I do in the middle of this journey will determine how well I finish.