Kim was sharing about a time she had recently gone out to an all-you-can eat pizza place with her nephew. He was being a typical teenager, wolfing down his food without even stopping to chew. She was amazed at the speed and volume of food he ate.
If I get overly hungry or just in a big hurry, I'll do the same thing. I'll grab something and scarf it down and never really taste it.
When I'm trying to make healthy eating choices that's the kind of fast food I need to avoid. It sets me up to eat too many calories before the 'fullness factor' kicks in.
Another problem with eating at wrap speed. I might be getting proper nourishment, but I'm not ENJOYING the food and before I know it, I'm craving something else to eat.
Many healthy eating programs (aka diets) recommend three balanced meals and a couple of small snacks a day so you won't get overly hungry. It's also recommended that you eat slowly, giving your stomach time to send a message to your brain that you're full.
It's good advice and putting it into practice is good for my body.
I'm also trying to apply that principle to reading the Bible. Cramming in a week's Bible lesson on Sunday afternoon, or grabbing a quick devotional in the morning on my way out the door is ok — certainly better than nothing, but I really need to make sure I stop and savor God's Word. Take time to chew on it and digest it. Give it time to move from my head to my heart and to my hands and feet.
A steady balanced diet of the Bread of Life is good for my soul.
Gracie often "helps" me with my Bible study |
I know this is one of my biggest problems is speed eating, for me it started in colleege having to try and get a meal in before class, it that bad habit has suck with me and in doing so I would eat and eat and eat with out feeling food but once that signal got to my brain it was too late I have eaten twice as much as I need to. I have tried to tain myself to start eating more slowly but it does not always happen.