Monday, February 14, 2011

More Lessons From Gracie

     I have nose prints on every window in the house.  Gracie nose prints.  She longs to be outside and on nice days she sits by the back door crying, begging to go outside.  Every time I go to the door it is a battle of wills that require quick reflexes.
     I keep Gracie inside for her protection. Being outside is too dangerous. Cars, coyotes, dogs could drastically shorten her life.
     It's not likely that I will every change her mind about going outside. She will always struggle with the idea that she can't be out crouching under the rose bush waiting for an unsuspecting robin.
     My lesson from Gracie?
     I long for calorie rich, cholesterol-laden carbs. Instead of nose prints, you'll find my finger prints on the cookies, cheesecake, ice cream, potato chips and warm rolls straight from the oven.
     It's tempting to think my weight-loss journey is something that has imprisoned me, that I'm sentenced to a life without buttery popcorn and mac 'n cheese.
     The difference is, I have the God-given ability to change my attitude. I have the choice to allow God to change my way of thinking.
     Restricting certain foods right now isn't to imprison me, it's to protect me. And when I get my head around that idea, It's easier to make wise and healthy choices.
     High blood pressure, high cholesterol, type-2 diabetes and cancer are just as dangerous as cars, coyotes and dogs. If I continue to load up on starchy carbs, statistics show that my life-span will be shortened. Period. End of discussion.
     Saying "No thank you," to the pudding-filled chocolate-covered doughnuts at the office is for my protection.  I can't handle it right now. It's as dangerous as a copperhead coiled under the azalea bush.
     Staying out of the 'frig is a battle of wills that require quick reflexes.
     When I HALT (ask myself, am I really Hungry? Or am I just Angry, Lonely or Tired?) those nano-seconds give me time to decide if I need to back away from the food or go ahead and eat something.
     Gracie will always yearn to be on the sun-drenched patio playing with butterflies, and there might be a time that I'll let her go outside, but just for short periods and always under my watchful eye.
     Fortunately, God has been doing a work in me and I'm understanding that I might have to give up something good right now for something better.  Sure, there will be a time that I can have garlic bread with my lasagna, but not right now, not until I'm stronger — and never unsupervised!

1 comment:

  1. Nose prints!...I love this.Also love reading your thoughts on the struggles we all face.great post.
