Sunday, March 13, 2011

Group Effort

Did you know that you needed two different varieties of blueberry bushes to produce blueberries? I didn't until I went shopping for some plants last week.

Apparently they need each other to cross-pollenate to bear fruit.

When I look at the two bushes I can't tell the difference except for the garden tag that identifies them as Powder Blue and Tifblue plants.  They look exactly the same to my amateur eye, but I've been assured by the master gardener who sold them to me that they have the different DNA required to fill my freezer full of blueberries in about three years.

Which got me to thinking, about our FP4H class. Although we don't all look alike we need others to cross-pollenate to bear fruit, to succeed, to become strong and healthy individuals.

The exchange of ideas, encouragement and feedback from our different DNA is vital to our ability to bear fruit. It was God's intention for us to need Him and each other.

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work." Ecclesiastes 4:9

We share other similarities with my blueberry plants. Our root system will naturally run shallow until the Master Garden prunes us; we require full Son; and when we bloom where we are planted the fruit we bear will be sweet.

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